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Takizawa, Senzi and Masataka Kurabaayashi 1971, Meiotic chromosome rearrangements in triploid Trillium Hagae Photometric representations and demonstrations illustrated in figures, Kromosomo (Tokyo) 84:2696-2703 [in Japanese with English summary].

Takizawa, Senzi, Kunio Hirabayashi and Teiryu Narasawa 1971, X-irradiation-mimetic chromosome aberrations found in Trillium kamtschaticum transplanted to a

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Utsumi, S. and H.Kanazawa 1977, The structure and behavior of the kinetochore during meiotic divisions in Trillium kamtschaticum Pallas, Caryologia 30(1):1-12.

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Watson, L and M.J.Dallwitz 1991b Trilliaceae In: The families of flowering plants: descriptions and illustrations. http://muse.bio.cornell.edu/delta/angio/extra/index.htm. [Trilliaceae: Trillium, Daiswa, Kinugasa, Paris -- note that this URL now points to the data referenced in the 1996 citation.]]

Watson, L and M.J.Dallwitz 1996 Trilliaceae In: The families of flowering plants: descriptions and illustrations. http://muse.bio.cornell.edu/delta/angio/extra/index.htm. [Trilliaceae: Trillium, Daiswa, Kinugasa, Paris]

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