The Early Years of Meridies

Silver Hammer 1986 (A.S. 21)

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Duc Sir Orlando and lord Sir Seigfried das Wiltekind Sir Andras Salamandra Aedward of Glastonburgh and lord Sir Gwyddion
Lord Ailgheanan Mac Sithigh Lady Marthe Elsbeth of Oak Hill Lady Starren O'Cahan Lord Olethainn and Mistress Eleanor of Ashley Sir Gwyddion
Sir Devin Lord Ailgheanan Sir Goldmund of Aragon Pieter van Doorn, Duc Sir Orlando, and lord Sir Devin Conal Mac Loughlainn
Sir Andras Salamandra Mistress Fuiltigherne ni Ruadh o'Finn Lady Alysea of Ashley, back: lady, Lijsbeth, Sir Gwyddion Mistress Godalind of Windemere Mistress Fuiltigherne ni Ruadh o'Finn

Lady Avelina of Moncrieff Sir Devin Devin, Valerian and Solveig

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Last updated: 5 October 2004

corrections, identifications, comments to Lady Jerusha Kilgore (mka Susan Farmer)